It’s time for our annual nomination process for Officers. This year we are only nominating for the open positions as our other officers are going into Year 2 of their terms.
Please see the job descriptions of the positions attached.
- President Elect – 1 year term, then term as President
- Secretary – 1 year term for 2021-2022
Nominations begin now and end on April 30th, 2021. You can nominate yourself or someone else, no one will know who nominated who and all will need to meet the criteria listed below. Thank you for showing that The Greater Cincinnati Northern-Kentucky Chapter of the APA is important to you.
Please email your nominations to and include the subject line, "Officer Nominations." All nominations must be submitted by April 30th in preparation for our Officer Elections.
**All must be members of the Local and National APA**
President Elect Job Description.docx President Elect Nomination Form.docx
Secretary Job Description.docx Secretary Officer Nomination Form.docx